Home Office appeal against High Court ruling on income threshold
11/03/2014 On the 4th and 5th of March 2014, the Court of Appeal heard the Home Office appeal against a previous High Court ruling which judged that the income level…
Changes made to UK marriage visa application process in Australia
03/03/2014 It has been recently announced by UK Visas & Immigration – UKVI (formerly the UK Border Agency) that the UK visa service in Australia will be undergoing some changes…
New fees proposed for UK fiancee, partner and marriage visa applications
01/02/2014 It has been announced that the UK government intends to increase visa, nationality and immigration application fees in the coming months. The fee increases are still to be approved…
New TB testing requirement for UK marriage visa applicants in Russia
23/12/2013 Anyone applying for a UK fiancee, UK spouse or UK unmarried partner visa from Russia after 31 December 2013 must be tested for active tuberculosis (TB) before their settlement…
Members of HM Armed Forces and their families face changes to UK settlement visa rules
01/12/2013 On 1st December 2013 some amendments were made to the UK immigration rules that apply to non-EEA family members of those serving in HM Armed Forces. The new rules…
Home Office appeal on income threshold judgment to be heard in March 2014
01/11/2013 The Home Office appeal, lodged in the wake of the High Court decision on the minimum income threshold brought into force on the 9th July 2012, is to be…
Changes made to UK settlement and naturalisation requirements for Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK (KOLL)
21/10/2013 As of 28 October 2013, there will be two separate requirements regarding the Knowledge of Language and Life in the UK (KOLL) criteria concerning applications for residence or settlement…
Additional UK marriage visa priority service introduced in Australia and New Zealand
01/08/2013 Applicants in Australia and New Zealand now have access to a new optional priority visa service. Those applying for a UK fiancee, spouse or partner visa can have their…
UK marriage visa applicants in the US must send their settlement applications directly to Sheffield
30/07/2013 US residents applying for a UK settlement visa must now send their applications directly to the UK Border Agency (UKBA) visa processing hub in Sheffield, UK. Previously, UK fiancee,…
Home Office appeals High Court decision on minimum income threshold
27/07/2013 In July 2012 the UK Border Agency (UKBA) announced new rules relating to the minimum income required to sponsor a foreign partner, fiancee or spouse for a UK settlement…
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